Blood Bowl

No Blood Bowl apps? Too much focus on one hobby

As some might have seen on my Mastodon account, one of my new hobbies is to get into Blood Bowl again.

The background is pretty simple. After playing drums and guitar for 29 years, I decided that I will rest this for now due to various reasons. So the search for a new hobby has started.

I always found it fascinating to paint miniatures, there are spectacular examples out there, what you can achieve just with a brush. Warhammer as a frenchise has also fascinated me. Hence, I thought why not get into this. But to be honest, the entry barrier for Warhammer is really high. Getting an army is rather expensive, the ruleset seems to be crazy (though latest announcements aim to fix this) and you need major space to actually play. But as you browse through miniature options, I got stuck at Blood Bowl, which I played like 20 years ago.

In other posts I will talk a bit more about the progress on miniatures and my playing skills (they are horrible 😉 ). However, to get into the rules and as I haven’t coded an app for a while, I decided to give an Android app a go.

Following you can see a couple of current screenshots:

There are couple of features in there. For me, it was most important to get the Team list with all players, but also for each player an access to the skills. That way you can really learn the various options.

Furthermore a couple of quizes have been started, and I want to finalize these first.

The idea is also to push this to the Google Play Store at some point in time, never did this before, and I see this as a good lesson for my professional life. People who know me, know that this is obviously done in Qt. I was contemplating using other frameworks, but in the end couldn’t be bothered 🙂

What’s missing before pushing it out?

  • Some scrollareas where needed. Currently it works perfectly on the pixel 6, but of course there are other mobiles out there
  • Finish the quizes
  • Icons, About, legal stuff, …
  • Manage to get through the PlayStore overall

However, if you are interested in playing around with it, feel free to reach out to me and I can send you a package, or Windows binary.

Finally, coming back to the title. As of now, Blood Bowl really takes my time to a large amount:

  • Currently painting my third team
  • Aiming to play at least 3 matches online, also registered for the DBBC league once the game is ready
  • Developing this app
  • Motivating friends to join me on this journey

But well, that’s the good thing if you let loose on a hobby, which took major time. As there is no pressure or such, this also feels rather relaxing.

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